- Abdullah A1 Mamun, 246
- Abortions, plants used for, 112
- Abraham, 255, 257
- Abyss, 9, 16, 19, 43, 255
- Adam, 93-94, 106, 202
- Adamuzi, 106, 202
- Adonis, 213
- Adornment, 73, 95, 183
- Africa, 251; birds in, 182, 183-184; circumcision in, 46; cloth making
in, 234; grains in, 116; headwear in, 92; jackal in, 55; lip plugs in,
79; menstrual huts in, 243; molding of breasts in, 82; moon worship in,
26; protohumans in, 53; red ants in, 56; scarring in, 80; triangular
and circular forms in, 168. See also Egypt, ancient; Dogon people; Great
- Agriculture. See Farming
- Ahkenaton, 255
- AIDS, 268, 277
- A-Kamba, 36
- Alcheringa, 76
- Alcohol, 113-115, 241
- Alewife, 113, 114, 218, 223, 242
- Algebra, 164-165
- Alphabet, 210, 225
- American Indians. See Native Americans
Amulets, healing, 129-130
An, 26, 219
Animism, 128
Ankh symbol, 90
An/Ki, 26
Anubis, 55
Aphrodite, 199, 213, 233
Apollo, 27
Apples, 105-106, 112
Apsu, 9, 16, 211, 252
Arapahoe, 67
Ark, 218, 219-220; and covenant of Yahweh, 211-225
Arnhem Land, 32, 34
Artisans, 229
Aruru, 229
Asherah, 66, 180
Athena, 273
Atsugewi, 47-48
Augustine, Saint, 266-267
Australia, 8, 167, 237; blood signals in, 75, 76; parallel menstrual
taboos of males in, 47; snake in mythology of, 58, 59; subcision in,
46; and male ritual thievery, 250. See also Wawilak Sisters
Aztecs, 62
Babylonian creation stories, 8-9, 16, 65
Balabhadra, 205
Balder, 213
Ball games, Mayan, 194-197
Bambara people, 54, 116
Bananas, 108
Bao Lord, Betty, Spring Moon: A Novel of China, 148
Barasana people, 199-200
Bar Maid, 218-219
Beckwith, Martha, 251
Beer, 113-114, 215-216, 242
Belladonna, 88
Birds, impersonating, and other emissaries of light, 181-184
Blessingway, 122, 129
Blood: male vs. female, 49; sacrifice, herding and, 135-137; signals
and paint, 75-78; women's, and wild dogs, 52-55
Bloodletting, 44, 48, 127-128, 129
Boat of Heaven, 219, 220, 229; covenant and, 214-218
Body: cooking by altering states of mind and, 111-115; scratching, 38,
39; touching, 37-38; whipping, 38-39
Body language, seclusion rites and, 72-75
Body shape, fashioning of, 81-83
Book of the Dead, 170
Bouwa, 32
Brahmin kammalars, 229
Bran, King, 177
Brandenburger, Kris, 280
Bread, 117-118; barley, 114, 117; and beer, 113, 114; shaped like moon,
"Bread and roses," 275-276; and "blood," 276
Breasts: molding of, 82; nursing animals from human, 136
Brewster. See Alewife
Bribri Indians, 98
Bridal dress, 147-149
Briffault, Robert, 4, 102; The Mothers, 3
British Columbia, 87, 91-92, 93
British Medical Journal, 103
Buffalo, 133, 136-137
Bukaua tribe, 89-90, 99
Cakes, 121-122, 162; wedding, 122, 146
Calendar, menstruant, 155-157
Campbell, Joseph, 136 C
ar (goddess), 206 Caraja tribe, 46
Car Festival, 205-206, 207
Carnelian, 238
Carrots, as menstrual blood, 110-111
Carrot seed, 110, 111, 112
Carrot Sunday, 110-111
Castration, 65
Cats, menstrual mythology and, 54
Cat's cradle, 166-168, 169, 209, 240
Celibacy, 257
Celtic warriors, 269-270
Cerebus, 55
Ceremony, defined, 103
Ceres, cornucopia of, 85
Cerridwen, 206
Chair, 22; and cathedral, 178; as origin of car, 206; origin of, 99; as
throne and litter, 176-178
Chaos, 14, 16, 20, 24, 33, 74; and consciousness, 9-11; and death rites,
125-126; Greek meaning of word, 7
Cheyenne, 77
Childbirth, 77, 91, 123-124, 132
China: blood signals in, 77; dragon in, 64; jade in, 238; New Year in,
203; sacred number nine in, 164; shamans in, 128
Chin tattoo, 76, 158-159, 160
Cholera, 260-261
Circle, 120, 161-163, 166, 169
Circumcision, 46, 47
Clitoris, excision of, 46
Cloth, value of, 234, 235
Coatlicue, 63
Cokwe people, 60
Columbus, Christopher, 264
Combs, as vulvas, 87
Compass, menstruant as, 160-161
Compassion, sacrifice and, 193-194, 197-198
Consciousness, 18; chaos and, 9-11
Cooking: by altering states of mind and body, 111-115; by combining metaforms,
120-122; by gathering and growing metaforms, 107-111; by purifying meats,
118-120; taboos about menstruation and, 102-107, 119, 120, 129; by washing
grains, 115-118
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 267
Copper, 237, 252
Cosmeticians, 73
Cosmetic metaform, 22-23, 68, 72-73
Cosmetics, use of, 75-78
Cosmetikos, 80, 82, 90, 139, 159; and birds, 181, 183, 184; and
blood signals and paint, 75, 149; and chairs, 99; and coins, 236; and Descent
myths, 211; food, 109, 110; and goddess as collective menstruant, 179,
180-181; and goddess figures, 186; institutions of, 149-150; meanings of,
22, 72-73; of medicine, 131; numerical, 158, 159, 169; prerequisite for,
123-124; and richness, 178-179; and rose, 233; and sacred shapes of light,
162; shapes and substances of, 240, 247; significance of skirt in, 94,
95, 96; transformations of, 148; and war metaforms, 271; and woman's paraphernalia,
86-87, 149; and writing, 210
Cosmogony, 73, 147
Cosmography, 73
Cosmology, 73, 186
Cosmos, 22, 72
Couvade, 48
Covenant: and Boat of Heaven, 214218; of Yahweh, ark and, 221-225
Cowrie shells, 234-235
Coyote, 52, 55, 62, 135, 186; creation of menstruation by, 34, 54, 232;
and death rites, 125, 126-127; moon eaten by, 141; and salmon taboo, 105,
Crafts, 229-230, 247; relationship between cosmetikos and, 240;
trading and payment of, 234-237
Crater Lake, 24
Creation: fundamental connection between separation and, 15-16, 73-74;
principles, menstrual, 273-276; stories, 7-9, 20, 25, 26-27, 36, 52, 60,
90, 210. See
also Genesis; Ogotemmeli; Wawilak Sisters
Creek Indians, 47
Crescent, 120, 162, 163, 164, 187
Crossing, as menstrual creation principle, 275
Cucuteni culture, 177, 181
Cuneiform, 210
Dark, 277; ages of light vs., 265-266; separating light from, 11-18
Dayamava, 261
Day of Bathing, 205
Death: journey to learn nature of, 218 219; rites, and menstruation, 124
Decoration, body, 72, 73; motive for, 74-75 Deity, 179, 255; snake as
oldest, 61-63. See also Goddess(es); Royalty
Delphi, oracle at, 85-86
Demeter, 186, 206, 213-214
Depilitation, 81
Depression: early treatment of, 101; menstrual, 41
Descartes, Rene, 267
Descent myths, 211, 256; as menstrual journeys, 211-214
"Descent of Inanna to the Underworld, The," 187, 211-213, 214
Diameter (measurement), 168-169
Diameter (Tiamat), 9, 168
Diana, 15 Diana, Princess, 175
Dieri tribe, 77
Digging stick, 107
Diseases, brought from Europe, 259 260; associated with goddesses, 260 262;
shame about, 268
Display, other techniques of menstrual, 78-81. See also Paint;
Divinities, 179. See also Goddess(es); Royalty
Dogon people, 73, 79, 80, 130, 237, 243; and circumcision, 46; creation
myths of, 90; and death rites, 126; and drunken divination, 241; and fiber
skirt, 94-95; and grains, 116-117, 234; holy man of, 116, 176; and male
ceremonial thief, 251-252; and red ant mound, 55-57, 142, 180; and trade,
235. See
also Ogotemmeli
- Dogs: and death rites, 127; taboos about, 54. See
also Wild dogs
Domestication, 135-136 Douglas, Nik, Sexual Secrets (with P.
Slinger), 188
Doves, white, 182-183, 223
Draco, 63
Dragons and dragonfire, 63-66
Dreams, 113
Drugs, to heighten psychic effects of menstruation, 113
Drunkenness, 241
Dumuzi, 106, 201-202, 212-213, 253
Durgamava, 261
Dyes, 108, 109, 110, 115
Ea, 215, 219, 220-221
Ea/Enki, 215
Eagle: bones, Paleolithic, 156; hunting, 134, 156
Ear, objects worn in, 79
Earth: formation of, 30-34; menstruation of, 203-208; and Sky, separation
of, 7-8; surface of and female body, 38-40; underworld of, 66; and world
creation taboos and land, 34-37
Earthquakes, 37
Egypt, ancient: ankh symbol of, 90; garlic and onions in, 108; grain in,
116; and measurement temples, 245. See also Great Pyramid
Einstein, Albert, 271
Emmenogogue, 111-112, 191; defined, 110
Engineering, 229, 240-241
England, folk customs of, 117-118
Enki, 113-114, 212, 215-217, 219, 255
Enkidu, 213, 218, 253-254, 260
Enlil, 215, 219, 220, 221
Entrainment, 13, 21
Environment, menstruation and, 13
Ereshkigal, 211, 212, 213, 256, 281
Eros, 232
Eskimos, 28, 168
Estrus, 6, 7
Euripides, 8
Europe: and association of food preservation and menstruation, 102; brewster
of, 113; cake of, 122; and chin tattoos, 159; source of Little Red Cap, 140;
overran American continents, 348
Eurydice, 213
Eve, 63, 66, 93-94, 106, 112, 202, 248
Evil Eye, 261, 262; and lowered gaze, 87-89
Exodus, 221, 222, 242, 260
Exogamy, 94, 142
"Eye of Life," 87, 279
Eyes: emphasis on power of, 74; makeup for, 87-88; ornaments around/between,
80. See also Evil Eye
Falling Woman, 31, 183
Farmer's Almanac, 108
Farming, and menstrual logic; 203-207; and plagues, 260; and women, 107-108
Fasting, 129, 135
Fatness, attitudes toward, 82
Feasts. See Festivals Feminism, 11, 276
Fertility, 105, 110
Festivals, 204-206, 207-208, 244
Fig leaves, 94 Fire(s): cooking, 118; theft of, 251
Fishing, 134
Flood, 82; myths, 30-34, 35, 183, 211, 214-224, 260; system, early-warning,
245 Flowers, 230-234
Food preservation and preparation, menstruation and, 102-104. See also Cooking
Frazer, James, 4, 32, 36, 173; The Golden Bough, 3, 89
Freud, Sigmund, 270
Fruits, as metaforms, 105-106
Gabrielino tribe, 80, 127
Gaia, 8, 62, 186, 278
Ganapathy, 189
Garden of Eden, 63, 93-94, 106
Garlic, 108
Gay movements, emergence of, 276
Gaze: Evil Eye and lowered, 87-89; making of pork sausage and fixed, 119
Genesis, 26, 27, 34, 99, 258; creation story, 9, 11, 16, 105; Flood myth
in, 221; and Garden of Eden, 106
Geomancy, 64
Geometry, 161-162, 164, 167
Germ theory of disease, 268
Geshtinanna, 213
Gilgamesh, King, 213, 229, 253-254; flood and, 218-221, 260
Gimbutas, Marija, 37, 59, 159-160, 181, 210, 249, 260
Giparu (menstrual hut), 16. See also Hut, menstrual
Gloves, 91, 93, 175
Goddess(es): as collective menstruant, 179-181; fat red moon, in fitted
cap, 184-187; of moon's phases, 187-190; narrative path of, 190-191
"Goddess theory," 249
"God's Eye," 262
Gold, as menstrual blood, 238, 239, 240, 242
Golden Bough. See Frazer, James
Goodale, Jane C., 4, 27-28, 110, 143
Grains, 234, 292; cooking by washing, 115-118; fermented uses of, 113, 114
Grapes, 113, 114
Great Pyramid, 245-246
Greece, ancient: creation myth of, 7-8; temples of, 244, 245; visionary priestesses
of, 113
Grimm brothers, 140
Guaranis, 35
Gum, 109; acacia, 109
Hades, 213-214
Haida women, 91
Hair: care for, 72; coiffing of, 81
Halloween, 203
Hammurabi, code of, 242
Hands: coverings for, 92-93; emphasis on, 74
Hats, 91-92
Haumea, 59-60
Hawaii, 80, 259, 260; sacred areas in, 243-244. See also Haumea
Hazel bushes, 141
Healing, 127-131
"Heat." See Estrus Hecate, 55, 170, 186, 214
Helen, 66, 180
Hera, 180, 186, 194, 223, 270; feast of, 244; sacred number of, 170, 190-191:
temple of, 191, 244
Herbs, herbal medicine, 111, 112, 130
Herding, 254-255, 257-258, 260; and blood sacrifice, 135-137
Hesiod, 8
Heveh, 202
Hidatsa Indians, 134
HIV, 268
Hogon, 116
Homosexuals, 128, 187
Hoods, 91-92
Hopi people, 7, 56
Hunting, and taboo, 131-135
Hut, menstrual, 16-17, 22, 219, 247, in creation myth, 16; shapes of, 246;
as orientation of village, 243; and temples, 244
Hydra, 63
Hygiea, 273
Hymen, 30; and defloration, 48
Icons, and images, 184-187
- Illness, healing and menstruation, 127131
Ills, four, to diminish humankind, 221, 260
Inanna, 113-114, 177, 186, 229, 255-256, 271; and apple tree, 106; Descent
myth of, 187, 211-213, 214; eightpointed symbol of, 233; Flood myths of,
214-218, 219, 220; and Gilgamesh, 253-254; and metals and gems, 238; and
New Year's celebrations, 201-202; storehouse of, 85, 247; and taverns,
242; texts of, 211
"Inanna Meets the God of Wisdom," 106, 215-218
Incest, 94, 117, 142, 148, 234
India: agricultural festivals in, 204-206, 207; artisans in, 229; dragon in,
64; goddesses equated with moon's phases in, 187-189; indication of menstruating
woman in, 75; lesbians in, 187; meat in, 132; objects worn in nose in, 79;
smallpox goddess in, 261; snake in, 61; and Tantrism, 88, 149
Indra, 114
Industrial revolution, 154
Initiation, 47, 61
Inquisition, 261, 262
Instincts, 21-22
Instruction, as menstrual creation principle, 274
Iroquois, 31, 36, 183
Ishtar, 202, 211, 213, 218, 219, 221, 229. See also Inanna
Isimud, 215, 216
Isis, 90, 170, 187, 213
Isvara, 205
Jackal, 52, 55, 62, 72, 135, 193; and creation of fiber skirt, 93, 94; and
red ant mound, 55-57, 117, 142, 180
Jade, 238
Jagannatha, 205
Javahe tribe, 46
Jewelry: body-shaping and, 82; embedded, 82; facial, 79-80
Jews: circumcision among, 46; and "the water of separation," 29;
menstruation viewed by, 102
Jivaro women, 79
Judas, 258
Julunggul, 32
Jump Dance, 105
Juno, 236
Kaffir, 77
Kali, 170, 188-189, 260
Kali Ma, 155
Karaja tribe, 79
Kara-Kirghiz women, 105
Karok people, 76, 105, 232, 274
Kerenyi, Carl, 190, 194, 244
Kichepo people, 183-184
Kinaalda, 48, 122, 129, 161
Kitanemuk tribe, 38-39, 56
Knight, Chris, 7, 12-13, 46, 53, 118; Blood Relations, 132
Kogi people, 54, 174, 210, 236, 238, 239
Kolosh Indians, 78 Kore, 186, 206
Kumari, 188, 189
Kurgarra priests, 202
Laksmi, 114, 188, 189, 205, 206
Land, world creation taboos and, 34-37
Lapis lazuli, 242; as menstrual blood, 238
Lawrence, Denise L., 119
Legumes, 115
Lesbianism, lesbians, 149, 187, 232-233, 276
Leto, 27
Leviticus, 16, 183, 211, 223, 232, 262
Light, 277; vs. dark, ages of, 265-266; impersonating birds and other emissaries
of, 181-184; menstruation and changes of, 13; rise of clean male, 262-265;
sacred shapes of, 161-164; separating dark from, 11-18
Lines: parallel, 162, 166-168; straight, 161,166-168
Lip: bar, 159; plugs, 78-79
Lipstick, 75-76, 77
"Little Red Cap" ("Little Red Riding Hood"), 140-142
Logic, menstrual, 192, 194, 198, 201, 203-208; as menstrual creation principle,
274 Lorde, Audre, 271
Lovelock, James, 278
Lucifer, 26
Lugh, 26, 110
"Lunar blood," 114
Lupa, 139
Lupercalia, 139
M, letter, 210
Maasai people, 66
Mab (Fairy Queen), 113
Mabuiag, island of, 36
Maidu Indians, 98
Male: menstruation, 44-47; seclusion and male science, 266-269. See also Parallel
menstrual rites; Penis; War metaforms
Mama, as Kogi priests, 219, 221
Mammu, 26
Man, derivation of word, 49-50
Maoris, 22, 60, 76
Marduk, 65, 182
Marglin, Frederique, Wives of the God King, 204
Margulis, Lynn, 278
Maritji, 28
Marriage, 142-143; bridal dress for, 147-149; modern, 145-147; Tiwi, 143.-145
Marshack, Alexander, 155, 156, 157
Marshall Islands, 81
Masks, 48-49
Materialism, 273; as cosmetikos of earth, 240; as crafts, 229; as
exchange of metaforms, 237; as male separation, 252, 253, 266, 267; as objectification,
263, 264; as paternal production, 254, 255; as replacement for sacrifice,
258; as view of earth and female, 249
Material metaform, 23, 225
Matricide, 65
Matrimony. See Marriage
Mawadi, 32-33
Mayan people, 62, 64
Me, holy, 216-217
Mead, Margaret, 4
Meat: cooking by purifying, 118-120; red, taboos about, 132, 133. See also
Medatia, 32-33
Medicine, tribal, 129-131. See also Healing; Illness
Medusa, 186
Melville Island, 27, 48
Menarche, 11, 14, 48, 72, 78, 124; emergence from, 81, 83; men and, 48-49;
number of days of, 157
Menopause, 101-102
Mesopotamia, 201, 210, 214-215, 218, 236; mythology of, 27, 221, 253, 260
Metaform(s), 31, 62; compound, 63-66; cooking by combining, 120-122; cooking
by gathering and growing, 107-111; cosmetic, 22-23, 68, 7273; defined, 20;
material, 23, 225; as menstrual creation principle, 274; metaphor and, 18-23;
mineral, 237-241; narrative, 23, 73, 150, 191, 224225, 247; serpent, 63 (see
also Snake); war, 269-271; wilderness, 22, 34, 51-52, 68, 130, 181, 190,
Metallurgy, 229, 240
Metaphor, 9, 40; embodied, 19; and metaform, 18-23
Midwife, 124
Milky Way, 63, 65
Mind and body, cooking by altering states of, 111-115
Mineral metaforms, 237-241
Miwok people, 47, 54, 55, 125
Mokele, 26, 251
Money, 235, 236, 237
Moon: bread shaped like, 120-122; and development of agriculture, 108; goddesses
as phases of, 187-190; menstruation of sun and, 194-197; relation of menstruation
to, 4, 7, 13-14, 43; and separation of waters, 25-30; shapes of, 163-164;
wild dogs and, 55
Moon Hare of China, 114
Mother Kali, 155
Mrs. Grieves' Herbal, 118
Murder, 128-129, 207, 214; collective, 126; sacrificial, 192, 207
Murinaleta, 27-28, 143
Murngin, 32
Music, on New Year's, 203
Muso Koroni, as menstrual leopard, 54; as millet goddess, 116
Myths, 4-5, 10-11; earliest written, 211
Nana, 213
Nanna, 26
Naotsete, 187
Narrative metaform, 150, 247; as cause and effect, 200; causing menstrual
flow, 209; as cosmography, 73; crossing gender, 224-225; defined, 23; and
development of farming, 207; as menstrual logic, 200-201; as path of menstruant,
179; using number as story, 155. See also Flood, myths; Descent myths
Native Americans, 36, 40, 92, 168, 270; death rites of, 126-127; and four
earthly directions, 218; medicine of, 130; mythology of, 34, 141; tobacco
used by, 112
Navajos, 34, 54, 56, 129; Kinaaldá of, 48, 122, 129, 161
Neanderthals, 131, 231
Necroforms, 266, 276
Nepthys, 170, 187
New Guinea, 35, 91, 93, 99, 173
New Ireland, 35, 89
New Moon celebrations, 201, 202, 203
New South Wales, 45
Newton, Sir Isaac, 267
New Year's celebrations, 201-203, 207 208, 210, 220, 270
Nias, island of, 39
Ningal, 26, 186, 271
Ninkasi, 114, 242
Ninshubur, 212, 216-218
Noah, 221; ark of, 183, 223
Noisemaking, on New Year's, 203
Number(s), 153-154, 164-166; enacted and embodied, sacred, 157-158; and menstruant
calendar, 155-157; as ornament, 158-160; sacred, and sacred shape (pi), combinations
of, 168-171
Nummo, 94
Nursing, 77, 124, 136
Offield, Mamie, 105
Ogotemmeli, 55-56, 57, 94, 209, 234, 235, 251-252
Olympic games, origin of, 194
"One Who Looked into the Abyss, The," 218, 253
Onions, 108
Opossum, 67, 199-200
Orientation, basis for, 160-161
Origin stories. See Creation, stories
Ornament, number as, 158-160
Orpheus, 213
Osiris, 55, 213
Oya, 148, 163
Paint, blood signals and, 75-78
Pandora's box, 85
"Paps of Ann," 179
Parallel menstrual rites, 44, 46, 49, 65, 123
Parallel menstrual taboos, 47-48
Paraphernalia, 99-100; brought to marriage, 142-143; cosmetikos and
woman's, 86--87; elements of engineering and design in, 240-241
Parivarams, 17
Parthenogenesis, 107-108
Parvati, 189, 205
Patagonians, 54
Payment, idea of, 234-237
Pele, 187
Penis, 48; guns and, 270; ritual cutting of, 65; snake and, 58, 61; splitting,
Perception, beginning of human, 11-12
Persephone, 186, 213-214
Phallus, symbol of, 262
Philippines, 104, 119, 158
Pi, 169
Pies, 106, 121, 164
Plagues, 221, 260, 261
Plains Indians, 163
Plants: to induce altered states of mind, 112; to regulate menstruation,
111-112; as vulva, 231
Plato, Timaeus, 245
Platonists, 170
Pleiades, 198-199, 200, 202
Pluto, 213
Poisons, 128, 130
Pomegranates, 105, 110, 214
Popol Vuh, 195, 196, 213
Porcupine, 67
Pork sausage, making of, 119
Portugal, 29, 119
Potatoes, as dyes, 108-109
Potions and powders, medicinal, 130, 131
Pottery, 229, 240; craft of, 238-239
Pregnancy, red paint and, 77
Pretty Shield, 125
Prometheus, 251
Pronoia, 232
Prostitution, as ritual, 139-140
Psyche, 232, 237
Puberty, 44, 45, 47-48, 56
Pueblo peoples, 163, 187
Purifying meats, cooking by, 118-120
Pythagoras, 170, 245
Pythia, 113
Q'or, 206
Quarters, lunar, 163-164
Queen Charlotte Islands, 91
Queen of Heaven and Earth. See Inanna
Quiche Maya, 195
Rainbow, 221
Rainbow Snake, 33-34, 59, 61, 186, 224; metaform of, 62; myth of Wawilak
Sisters and, 12-13, 24, 25, 32, 57, 60, 123. See also Snake
Raja Samkranti, 204-205
Red ant mound, 186, 234; jackal and, 55-57, 117, 142, 180
"Red clay man," 106
"Red Clay People," 78
Reddish foods, 109-110, 115
Red Eel Woman, 59-60, 186. See also Haumea
Red Island, 53
Red substances, 76, 78
Reed, Evelyn, 107
Remedies, ancient health, 130
Rhodes, island of, 66
"Rim of Fire," 37
Rites, menstrual, 3, 4, 5-6, 20. See also Seclusion rites
River Styx, 213
Romi Kumu, as sky goddess, 199-200
Romulus and Remus, 139
Ronga people, 62-63
Rose, 230-234, 237, 272
Royalty, 172-179. See also Goddess(es)
R'tu, defined, 5-6
Rubber, 195-196
Rugs, 99
Sabbats (or Sabbaths), 15-16
Sacrifice, 192-193; blood, 199, 207, 237, 245, 257-258; and compassion, 193-194,
197-198; crisis of, 214; of dogs, 127; herding and blood, 135-137
Salmon, as taboo, 104-105, 274
Salt, as purifying agent, 119-120
Sappho, 233
Sara, 223
Sara Kali, 155
Sarasvati, 188, 189, 205, 206
Satan, 256, 261, 262, 265; as metaform, 266-267
Sauer, Carl, 136
Scandinavia, 66, 168
Scarification, 48, 80
Scarring societies, 48
Science, male seclusion and male, 266-269
Scottish Highlands, 31, 110-111
Scratching stick, 38, 86, 134, 145, 156, 240-241
"Sea Mist," 187
Seclusion rites, menstrual, 3-4, 20, 25, 51, 52-53; and body language, 7275;
and body of menstruant, 37-38; emergence from, 16-17; and sacred numbers
enacted and embodied, 157; and separation of waters, 28-29, 30; and shamanism,
33; taboos included in, 11, 14-15, 16, 17-18, 24, 35; and trees, 67
Semen, 96, 236, 277
Separation, 20; creation through, 15-16, 73-74; of dark from light, 11-18;
male, from Queen of Heaven and Earth, 252--257; and menstrual creation principle,
274; process of, 10-11
Serpent, 82; metaform, 63; as symbol for doctoring, 127. See also Snake
Seven Sisters, 198-199
Sex: exchange of meat for, 132
Sexual intercourse, 139, 143, 148, 201202, 207, 209
Sexuality, control of, by male-centered laws, 257
Shamanism, shamans, 33, 127, 128, 129, 249-250
Shame, 93, 106, 233; about diseases, 268; ceremony, 279-281; menstrual, 257,
258-259, 261-262
Sharanahua women, 209
Shekinah, 262
Shiva, 188, 189
Shoes, origins of, 89-91
Shuswap Indians, 87
Silver, 238
Skirt, creation of fiber, 93-96, 148
Sky, menstruation of, 198-200
Sky Woman, 183
Slashing, 75, 125, 127-128
Slinger, Penny, Sexual Secrets (with N. Douglas), 188
Smallpox, 259, 260-261, 268
Smithing, 229, 237, 240, 251-252
Snake, 93-94, 111, 113, 158, 181; as Female Instructing Principle, 63; as
god/goddess, 180; as oldest deity, 6163; shedding by, 58-59; as synchronous
menstruation, 57-61. See also Dragons and dragonfire; Rainbow Snake
Snake societies, 61
"Snow White," 90
Spices, 109
Story, 209-210; sacred (hieros logos), 191, 210-211, 274
Straws, 97, 166, 242
Subcision, 45-46
Substitution, as menstrual creation principle, 274-275
Sumerian texts, 106, 113-114, 121, 125
Sun: distinguishing between moon and, 26; menstruation of moon and, 194197;
theft of, 251
Swazi people, 63
Swimming, menstruation and, 29
Synchroneity, 13, 21, 66, 167, 181
Taberna, tabernacle, 241-243
Tablets, 210, 247; clay, 225, 252
Taboo(s), 4, 30, 78; about cooking and menstruation, 102-107, 119, 120, 129;
defined, 5; hunting and, 131-135; illness and breaking of, 129, 131; incest,
148; in menstrual seclusion rites, 11, 14-15, 16, 17-18, 24, 35, 91; parallel
menstrual, of boys and men, 47-48; against scratching, 39; about touching,
37-38; world creation, and land, 34-37
Taiowa the Creator, 7
Tammuz, 213
Tantrism, 88, 149, 188, 257
Tapua (taboo), 5. See also Taboo(s)
Tapuga tribes, 77
Tattoos, 76, 78, 80-81; chin, 76, 158159, 160; raised, 80
Tavern, sacred, 241-243
Temples, 243-247; ancient Greek, 244, 245
Thesmophoria, 111, 204
Thievery, male ritual tradition of, 249-252
Thompson Indians, 134, 148
Three, sacred number, 158, 159, 164, 168-169, 170
Tiamat, 8-9, 16, 168, 179, 182, 252; creation story of, 65, 211; great walls
of water of, 219, 269
Tinamou Chief, 199
Tinneh tribe, 91-92, 93
Tiwi people, 27-28, 30, 48, 135, 270; hunting dogs of, 54; red yams and,
110; wedding of, 126, 143-145
Tlingit Indians, 78
Tobacco, 112
Tokpela, 7
Tompkins, Peter, 246
Trade, 234-237
Tree(s): courtship and, 138--139; menstrual world, 66-68; menstruants dressed
as, 180; oak, 141
Triangle, 161, 162, 166-168, 170
Tsetsaut tribe, 93
Tseuheur, 130
Tsimshian Indians, 7
Tucuna people, 48-49, 66
Tuwale, 32
Twinness, and trade, 234
Uiyumkwi tribe, 53
Umash, 27
Umbilical cord, 60, 67-68, 90, 240
Underworld, 66, 182, 215; and "The Descent of Inanna to the Underworld," 187,
211-213, 214
Uretsete, 187
Utensils, kitchen, 96-98, 100, 115
Utnapishtim, 219, 220, 221, 222
Utu, 215, 253-254
Vagina, 60; snake and, 58, 61; traveling, 59
Veil, wedding, 145, 147-148; as cloth, 92
Venus (goddess), 184-185, 201, 217
Venus (planet), 196, 201, 202, 215, 217, 254
"Venus de Milo," 185
"Venus of Willendorf, The," 185
Volcanoes, 37
Vulva, 59, 61,75; and blood signals, 75; and red ant mound, 55-56; scars representing,
80; V's or chevrons on figures as, 160; words meaning, 85, 87
Walker, Barbara, 232
Wandjinda, 59
Wanyamwesi, 61
War metaforms, 269-271
Water(s): differentiation of different kinds of, 27; menstrual blood and,
24, 25; proto- or all-moon and separation of, 25-30
Wawilak Sisters, 46, 105, 124, 167, 212; myth of, 12-13, 32, 57, 60, 123
"Way, the," and "the way back," 276-279
Weapon, derivation of word, 50
Wedding: cakes, 122, 146; modern, 145-147; Tiwi, 126, 143-145; veil, 145,147-148
Weitchpec Susie, 236
Wife, derivation of word, 50
Wild dogs, 132, 135-136; women's blood and, 52-55
Wilderness metaform: birds as, 181-184; Dumuzi in form of, 213; and flood myths,
34; as medicines, 130; red ants as, 55-57; snakes as, 55-73; types of, 51-52;
wild dogs as, 52-55; Zeus in form of, 190
Wine, 113, 114-115
Witches, 54, 112, 130, 131, 169, 261, 264
Wolf, 52, 55, 72, 135, 139; and "Little Red Cap," 140-142
Woman, derivation of word, 50
Woodpecker scalps, 236
World: creation taboos and lands, 34-37; formation story, 30-34 World War
11, 108
Writing, beginning of, 210-211, 225, 247
Xibalba, 196
Xquic, 195
Yabim tribe, 89-90, 99
Yahweh, 255-256, 260; ark and covenant of, 221-225
Yams, 108, 109, 111
Yaracares, 17
Yawira, 199
Year, menstruation of, 200-203
Yggdrasil, 66, 180
Yirrkalla people, 167
Yoni, 58, 59
Yurlunggur, 32
Yurok, 232, 236
Zeus, 190, 191
Zigzag, 210
Zulus, 36
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