My Soul ^Spirit was [illegible words] back to the
sped [illegible] ^back to the [insert below:] beginning times when the earth was forming mist
[inserted below, among the lines]: the aft forming the mist
And peered beyond ^aft, and could see Concord beyond
the beginning;
And brings me word that Goodness is the ^Dilation or Pride is a
^perpetual Mother ^father of Causes,
And that the Father ^a Mother of Causes is Love ^Dilation
Goodness or Love.— or Pride.
And the ^that [illegible words] they are the Parents ^yet and witness and register their [illegible] amours
And devise themselves to this [illegible] ^These States and this hour.
Again ^But And yet still my Soul ^Spirit was curious and travelled ahead
And pirced the black ^stern firm hem of darkness ^life, death and went
fearlessly through,
And came back from the grave with serene face,
And said to me, It is well I am satisfied,
I behold the causes ^yet [illegible] the same that are eternally fresh
I beheld Love also in the darkness,
I beheld Goodness ^Dilation Pride Dilation just the same in the grave ^afterward—.
and concord just the same in the grave^afterward.—
I behold Love also in the darkness.—