It is no miracle now that wherev[cut off]
we be we are to live on always.

Touch is the miracle!
Where can we ^What is it to be lost, or change our
dresses, or how deeply can we
sleep, when
sleep long, when

A minute of time, a touch, and a
drop of us, can launch immortality.
Henceforth After this day, small Little things shall are ^henceforth my proof
A touch shall henceforth be ^be my t[illegible] and
argument of the smallest ^least of needful [illegible]
It ^They shall tell for ^[illegible] me that the universe ^eternity
has no time for Death, ^each inch of [illegible] existence is so [illegible]
But ^And, that to pass existence is ^[illegible] sovereign ^supreme
over all, and what we thought death
is but life brought to a finer
An inch's contact
My feeling has made me brave from
I am brave from the
