This site is unlike any other. A single search box allows you to search one or all of the top American reference works. " will publish seminal works in every essential category of reference. combines these reference works into a searchable, unified database, making the sum of these works greater than any individual part. Included among the more notable works published by are the following:

Almanacs, Maps, Atlases & Geopolitical Resources

Atlapedia Online
"Full color physical and political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world. The 'Countries A to Z' section, provides facts, figures and statistical data on geography, climate, people, religion, language, history, economy & more..for each individual country. The 'World Maps' section, provides full color physical and political maps for regions of the world."
Country Studies - Library of Congress
Studies of 91 countries - "Most books in the series deal with a particular foreign country, describing and analyzing its political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions, and examining the interrelationships of those systems and the ways they are shaped by cultural factors. Each study is written by a multidisciplinary team of social scientists."
Geographic Information Centre, Walter Hitschfeld (McGill)
An extensive collection of links to online GIS Datasets, Electronic Reference &Ę Atlases, Statistics, Canada Geography Files, and Census Data
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Search for place names and retrieve records for places, including vernacular and historical names, coordinates, place types and other relevant information. Search on the name "Bagdad" and you will find 15 entries, one in Iraq of course, the others all in the US
Google Maps
The most powerful street mapping service to date. If you ask for directions Google will draw your route on the map. If you search for business types in a zip code Google will place markers on the map for all it identifies and lists them with address and phone number along the side. Drag the map with your mouse and see what happens. Many areas have satellite images available and you can choose street names overlay.
A service provided by the United Nations -- a "two-step database that allows you to view and compare the most up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the United Nations."
Internet/Web Country Domain Codes
A list of all the two-letter codes at the end of all Internet addresses that identify the country where the host computer resides.
Enter a city or even a street address and get back a map of the surrounding area. Includes, USA, Canada and World Maps
Demographic reports -- put in an address to get back demographics within a 1-mile, 2-mile and 3-mile radius, including Household Characteristics like mobility, and number of occupants, and Education & Occupation Characteristics.
Maps & Geography - Digital Librarian
Margaret Vail Anderson compiled this huge list of Web geographical resources. Be sure to also check out her International Page
Map Library, John R. Borchert
The University of Minnesota John R. Borchert Map Library pulls together maps from a variety of sources -- see especially their huge collection of Online and Interactive Maps.
National Geologic Map Database
"Your Geoscience resource for maps and related data about: geology, hazards, earth resources, geophysics, geochemistry, geochronology, paleontology, and marine geology."
Online Catalogue of Geological Data
Worldwide geological data including maps, well logs and seismic sections. Over 60,000 items in the library database from Earth Sciences and Resources Institute, University of South Carolina.
Our Changing Planet
The FY 1999 US Global Change Research Program - A Report by the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, Committee on Environment and Natural Resources of the National Science and Technology Council - a Supplement to the President's Fiscal Year 1999 Budget.
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
Maps of the World and historical maps from the University of Texas at Austin organized by region.
Progress of Nations, The
"…an annual scorecard of the social health of nations, records achievements in the form of statistics that measure fulfilment of minimum human needs."  This is the 1997 edition. It is published yearly by UNICEF.
Stylebook for Covering South Asia and the South Asian Diasporam - South Asian Journalists Association
"Learn to tell your Hindi from your Hindu and much, much more … The stylebook we've assembled here is not so much a reference work as it is as a reminder--a reminder to journalists that covering the disparate South Asian communities challenges us to take our reporting and editing skills a step further. To transcend the assumptions, stereotypes and generalizations that normally make our jobs easier; to ask sharper questions; and to make our reports, written or broadcast, as specific and accurate as possible." Updated weekly.


Dictionaries and Translators (Online)
Compiled by Rivendell International Communications, an exhaustive list of online dictionaries in many languages as well as services that can translate entire pages of text or even Web pages.
One Look Dictionaries
Search 222 general and specialized English dictionaries simultaneously and get a page of links to the definition in each dictionary that contains the word.
Science Dictionaries and Glossaries
Collected by EurekAlert! by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. (was: A Web of Dictionaries)
Now linked to more than 800 dictionaries in 150 different languages, also contains: Thesauri and Other Vocabulary Aids, Language Identifiers and Guessers, An Index of Dictionary Indices, A Web of On-line Grammars, A Web of Linguistic Fun
The interface is kludgy but a useful resource nonetheless. More than a dictionary -- "The Speed Of…" gives the speed of all kinds of communication technologies and "How the Internet Works" explains many aspects of the Internet.


Encyclopedia Mythica
This is an encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, legends, and more. It contains over 4700 definitions of gods and goddesses, supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over the world.
A compendium of reference sources including atlases, glossaries, and many specialized encyclopedias.
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics
"The Encyclopedia of Law & Economics attempts to provide a survey of the whole law & economics literature… . Each entry contains two elements: a review of the literature, written by an authority in the field, followed a quasi complete bibliography… ."
Myths and Legends
Encyclopedic in coverage if not really an encyclopedia this site produced by Christopher B. Siren, a PhD student in physics, is an excellent compendium of Web resources on myths and legends of many cultures. A good place to go when you're teimpted to make a mythical reference but you've forgotten who's in charge of what in the Greek pantheon or having trouble sorting out the difference between griffins and chimaera.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a dynamic encyclopedia published by the Center for the Study of Language and Information (John Perry, Director) at Stanford University. A distinguished editorial board headed by Edward N. Zalta and Eric Hammer and their selected authors have the ability to continuously update the entries.
The collective wisdom of the Internet. A great place to start but fact should be checked carefully. In spite of some well publicized hoaxes a study by Naturedetermined that the Wikipedia was more or less as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica when it came to scientific topics.

Converters, Calculators and Fact Finders

Acronym Finder
A searchable database containing over 60,000 acronyms /abbreviations and their meanings.
Consumer Price Index Calculator
Provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. "The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change in prices over time in a market basket of goods and services."
Convert it!
Use the conversion tables here to convert just about anything to anything! Acceleration, area, energy/work, power, length, mass, metrology, pressure, temperature, US fluid or liquid, velocity, and volume/capacity equivalents
Currency Converter
From Convert between 19 different currencies.
Inflation Calculator
Convert past dollars into present dollars with this special calculator provided by the Columbia Journalism Review.
Fast Facts
A pretty good compendium of reference sites by Bob Drudge. Dictionaries, Acronyms - Atomic Clock - Calculator - Calendar - Classifieds - Comics - Crosswords - Daily Almanac Bartlett's Quotations - Biography - Census - Document Center - - Information Please Funk&Wagnalls - OneLook Dicts. - Maps - People Search - Ready Ref. - Roget's Thesaurus - Statistics Stock Quotes - Symbols - Travel - Unit Converter - Webster's - World Fact Book - Yellow Pages - Zip2 Reference Shelves on the Internet - Technology News - USA & World Newspapers
How Much is That Worth Today?
"Comparing the purchasing power of money in the United States (or colonies) from 1665 to 2003."
Internet codes for Countries (domains)
Look up the country of origin for e-mail and Web addresses
Martindale's Calculators Online
It ain't pretty but it sure is full of calculators. Calculate a ceramic glaze, a knitting pattern, a statistical confidence level, or the acidity of hydrogen ion concentration in water or the finance charges on a loan. Calculate more than you ever thought calculable.
NewsEngin (choose "Free Tools")
Provides two free utilities for journalists and researchers -- a Cost of Living Calculator which can tell you how much $6,000 in 1968 dollars would buy in 1998 or other year of your choice. The major plus in this calculator is that you can choose from a list of different areas of the country and see different results. The Percent Change Calculator allows you to plug in two different numbers to find the percent of change.
Time Zone Converter
If it is 8 a.m. in Iowa City, what time is it in Sydney, Paris and Tokyo?

Style and Writing Guides

Page updated September 1, 2006